Package: EMA Type: Package Title: Easy Microarray data Analysis Version: 1.3.2 Date: 2012-03-01 Author: EMA group Maintainer: Description: We propose both a clear analysis strategy and a selection of tools to investigate microarray gene expression data. The most usual and relevant existing R functions were discussed, validated and gathered in an easy-to-use R package (EMA) devoted to gene expression microarray analysis. These functions were improved for ease of use, enhanced visualisation and better interpretation of results. License: GPL LazyLoad: yes Depends: R (>= 2.10), cluster,, FactoMineR, GOstats, survival, multtest, gcrma, rgl, GSA, RankProd, siggenes, MASS, biomaRt, xtable, AnnotationDbi Suggests: hgu133plus2.db, lumi, vsn Packaged: 2012-03-21 12:03:04 UTC; nservant